BeHeart is coherence for well living

A gamified social platform to exponentiate the science and practice of heart coherence, in a movement that promotes a lifestyle with less stress and anxiety.

What heart coherence is?

A psychophysiological state scientifically identified by researchers at the HeartMath Institute, where heart and brain synchronize at a frequency of 0.1Hz, optimizing the functioning of all systems in our body, activating our best version.

BeHeart brings the heart as a solution

Community connected by purpose

Talks and workshops for individuals and companies

Content on social medias to learn and practice for free 

And soon, we will present the BeHeart App to exponentiate the practice and benefits of coherence as part of this movement for well living.

Who is BeHeart for?

For everyone, anytime and anywhere

Organizations * Teaching Institutions * Emergency Services

BeHeart is technological and social innovation [coming soon, for companies]

With accessible biofeedback technology and simplified scientific content, more people benefit from living healthier while doing good for the world.

Gamified knowledge track that teaches the superpower of coherence

Fingertip biofeedback technology to support learning and practice

Scores become HeartCoins that generate social impact in real world

And coherence is the drive energy that connects


New lifestyle: health, wellness and happiness

Impact initiatives

Execution of social impact projects


Healthier and more engaged employees + ESG reputation

In a Heart Economy

Inclusive, collaborative and abundant

Heart coherence as personal and professional hability

BeHeart Program - From Chaos To Coherence

  • Learning track that teaches the superpower of coherence
  • Heart coherence techniques, simple and fast
  • Fingertip biofeedback technology to support practice
  • Assessment of self-perception of stress and well-being pre and post training
  • Gamification that promotes individual and collective engagement
  • Points and HeartCoins that make a positive impact

[Coming soon, for companies]